This is my 10th year as the official photographer to the Toyota Racing Series ( now known as the Castrol Toyota Racing Series ) and its still just as exciting and enjoyable as ever!
Roof of India
Go to my instagram page ( the link is on this site) to see just some of my images from my motorcycle adventure in India where I rode a Royal Enfield Himalayan on the Nomadic Knights “Roof of India”. What an adventure!
Toyota Racing Series
The 2016 Toyota Racing Series is done and dusted. Another fantastic year and I am sure that least 1 of the contestants WILL end up in Formula 1. It is an honor to be chosen to be the official photographer for this prestigious series, roll on 2017 !! Check out my Instagram page for more images
Pikes Peak
Its one of the greatest hillclimbs in the world and most certainly has some of the most unique machines from all over the world, heres a few from 2014
Pinup photography for catalogue use
Its been a busy time combining fashion photography for catalogue shoots for Studio 15 Shoes and Pinup Portfolios for models - here are some of the images
NZ Motorsport Photographer of the Year
At the recent Motorsport NZ Awards evening I was judged the NZ Motorsport Photographer of the year with the best portfoiio. Its quite an honour to to receive this, thank you Toyota NZ for having me as your official photographer for another year, roll on 2016! Attached are some of my entries.